
Monday, March 9, 2015

Gundam Duel Company - Major Big Update!!!

Hi Guys, we have something big coming soon for the next update!
First is we have 2nd Wolrd Championship that will be underway on 26 March this month!

Like before, there will be two ranking for compete which is Personal Ranking and Squad Ranking, and there will have few things that need to mention, like the regulations ranking that you can see on this below.
Another is there will be Lv so the there wont be have miss match between lv E and lv A. You can see on picture below.
And for Entry and Matching you guys just can read on this picture, and for prize GDC still not reveal them so just be patient guys!!

Another thing that will be major update is there will be GP on GDC, and GDC will have GP Giveaway Campaign. How to get GP on GP Giveaway?? Its easy just follow the instruction below.

But what GP is?? you guys must be wondering right?? Well, GP is currency on GDC game that needed for development MS. But how to get it if not from GP Giveaway?? Well there few way to get it, you guys can see on this picture.
Well are you guys excited for this MAJOR update?? 
If you guys want to see details for this update you can go to official website here.

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