
Force of Will Turtorial

Now, we will move to the New Trading Card Game, Force of Will!!

Force of Will is the most exciting trading card game with beautiful artworks where players will act with their avatar to collect will and use it to summon Resonators and fight each other for their ideal. Okay, now let's move to the Video Tutorial before the detailed one.

Video Tutorial

Before we move to the Game Flow, first we will introduce you the basic explanation about the card and the Game Area.

Card Type


Ruler cards are cards that act as the Player's Avatar.
- Ruler cards are placed at the Ruler Area at the start of the game.
- A Ruler mostly defines your deck type and playstyle. 
- During the Call Phase, a Ruler may be Rested to call the top of the Magic Stone Deck into the Magic Stone Area.
- A Ruler has certain Abilities that may be used to give you an advantage. 
-On your Main Phase, a Ruler may also pay their Judgement condition while in Recover state to do Judgement. The Ruler card is then flipped to reveal the J-Ruler.


J-Ruler cards are cards that take form from a certain Ruler, bestowing it with powerful Abilities.
- J-Rulers are placed on the Field out of the Ruler Area, and may participate in Battle. 
- A J-ruler also has Abilities of its own, and may retain some Abilities from when it was a Ruler. 
- A J-Ruler's <Enter> Ability will always activate. 
- If a J-Ruler is destroyed, the Player loses half their Life Points. The J-Ruler then reverts back into Ruler, and it loses all its' Abilities. It may still be used during the Call Phase to call a Magic Stone. 
- J-Rulers may not be targeted by Spells or Abilities that target a Resonator.


Resonators are creatures/monsters you summon to help you in Battle.
- They can be summoned by paying the appropriate Will required.
- They can be used to attack the opponent Player.
- They can be used to attack a Resonator or J-Ruler that is in Rest state.
- They can be used to block another Resonator or J-Ruler's attack.
- During the turn whence they are summoned, they can not be used for attacking or using an Ability that requires them to go into Rest state, unless the card has a certain Ability that says otherwise.


Spells come in a variety of types and effects. They are the magic cards in this game, allowing a Player to support their Resonators with various effects, or hinder opponent Players' Resonators.
-The effects are activated immediately upon spell use.
There are three types of Spells:
- Spell : Chant
- Spell : Instant
- Spell : Standby


Additions are Enchantments or Enhancements that the Player uses to augment their own Resonators or weaken opposing Resonators.

There are three types of Additions:
- Addition : Field
- Addition : Resonator
- Addition : Ruler/J-Ruler

Magic Stone

Magic Stones are cards that produce Will. They come in 5 different attributes : Light, Fire, Water, Wind, and Darkness.
- Magic Stones make up their own deck, namely a Magic Stone Deck, and do not occupy spaces in the Main Deck.
- A Magic Stone is produced by putting your Ruler into Rest state at the Call Phase.

Game Feature


Once the requirements are fulfilled, you can do a Judgement (flipping the ruler). By doing so, you are summoning the J(judgement)-Ruler that is usually more powerful than a Resonator, and have additional Abilities that help you win the game.

The Judgement condition, or J-Condition, are listed at the topmost of the Ruler's Abilities.

Life Break

At the start of the game, these are the 4 preset cards that can be used depending on the amount of your Life Points. These cards also serve as balancers when a player is losing Life Points.

Spell: Chant-Standby

These card cannot be activated directly from player's hand. The player may place them in the Spell: Chant-Standby Area by paying 2 will on any kind. Once placed in this Area, the spell can be activated when the trigger condition met and the player has enough Magic Stone to pay the spell cost.
The player must only have the Magic Stones. It is not necessary to put them in the Rest state. Spell: Chant-Standby may not be activated at the same turn as they placed on the Playground.

The Chase System

When a player accomplished any kind of action, his or her opponent may launch a Chase and accomplish an action that will resolve right before it. it is possible to chase another Chase. Chase actions are resolved one after another, from the last chase declared. As soon as the resolution of the Chase have begun, a player may no longer launch a chase.

Game Area

1. Hand

- This is where your drawn cards are placed.
- Players may not have 8 or more cards in their Hand at the end of their turn.
Players are to discard their hand until they have 7 or less cards if they have 8 or more cards in their hand during the end of their turn.

2. Main Deck

- The location to place all your cards other than Magic Stones during the start of the game.
- Each Main Deck must have 40 cards or more.
- The Ruler is not included in the Main Deck.
- Players are not allowed to check the sequence of the cards.

3. Magic Stone Deck

- The location to place all your Magic Stone cards during the start of the game.
- Each deck can only have up to 20 cards.
- Players are not allowed to check the sequence of the cards.

4. Ruler zone

- The location to place the Ruler cards.

5. Life Break area

- The location to place the top 4 cards (after establishing a starting hand), to serve as the Player's Life Break throughout the course of the game.
- Players are not allowed to look at these cards.

6. Field

- The location where you and your opponent place cards.
- There should not be any cards placed in there during the start of the game.
- Players can play any cards from their Hand to the Field as long as the requirements are fulfilled.

7. Graveyard

- The location where you place the used or destroyed cards.
- Cards that were discarded or Spell cards that were used are placed directly into the Graveyard.
- Resonator and Addition cards that were destroyed will be placed directly into the Graveyard.

 8. Magic Stone area

- The location to place the Magic Stones drawn from the Magic Stone Deck during the game.

9. Spell : Standby area

- The location to place Spell : Chant-Standby cards.

Game Flow

Finally, we move to the Game Flow. Here is the scheme for the Force of Will Game Flow:

For more detailed about product of Force of Will, you can check on the Official Website, the link is HERE.

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