
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Gundam Duel Company - Today Featured Card & Reminder of World Championship!

Today featured card is Hyaku-Shiki Gundam and its pilot Quattro Bajeena from Mobile Suit Zeta.

Is this card makes you want to collect or use them on your?? Well you can get it now, so what are you waiting for? Go to store or your retailer and go buy GN-DC02 pack to get this card, GN-DC02 already released so you can buy now!!

For more information about cards on GN-DC02 you can check on official website here.

And i like to remind all of you that World Championship will be launch on November 13, so that your chance to prove that you are the best commander!! And not only you can be no 1 on solo Ranking, but you can be no 1 TEAM. So do your best to prepare the World Championship, and show your skill, Good Luck!!

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