
Monday, February 29, 2016

Why Budget Deck Is Important?

Today, I want to share my thought on budget deck in any TCGs. True that without budget, it is very difficult nowadays to compete in any TCGs that you love. And many people said what’s the point of playing a game where you can’t compete?

Before we answer that question, I want us to look into a game name professional soccer.

Maybe some of you will say, “Hey it’s a sport, not a game.” Yes you are right. But in my very subjective opinion, as well as according to SportAccord in definition of sports, a sports is all forms of usually competitive physical activity or GAMES which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing entertainment to participants, and in some cases, spectators. So series of physical activities to improve your physical ability, is pure sports, but when you put scores in there, it’s a game. So why would a professional soccer league, always have many layered divisions? Why don’t they made an easy 1 division or 2 division only? And we know that the top division, always need HUGE budget to build a team (or a “deck” if you are their manager). So, one of the reason why lower divison exist, is that some city can’t really afford to enter the glamorous top division, but they still want to enjoy the game! Both spectator or the players.

So first of all, the reason why I think it is important to expose budget deck is, to show that even with limited budget, you can still enjoy the game that you just knew. Well maybe you need to be in the lower division like in soccer, but you can still enjoy it. That’s why along with exposing budget deck, we need to make peasant competition. I saw some stores and LGS already had a competition like this. It is good. They all have their own house rule, but if I have to apply my own rule, it won’t rely on how many rares that you have in one deck, but rather I will limit the amount of market price in one deck. But anyway, budget deck will LOWER the entry barrier of a game. Lower entry barier to the game means it’s newbie friendly, and more people will join and learn the game! More people learn the game, and if they started to gain confidence in the game, along with increase in revenue, will result in bigger demand of singles. Bigger demand of singles will also means an increase in our singles investment! All of that won’t happened unless we have many players.

There’s another reason. Let’s get back to professional soccer game. I am a fan of FA Cup from EPL.

I saw many games where the David vs Goliath happened. It’s interesting. So even with limited resources, you can still beat the odd and kill the giant. It will need good strategy and creativity of the manager. The same goes to budget deck brewing. It will force you to be creative. Budget deck train people to be competitive in a limited resource. Sounds familiar with most of our lives? Limited resources but we need to be competitive?

These are two main reason that I think, about why would we need to create more budget deck and competitions. First is to lower the entry barrier and gain more players for the game and in turns will make it lively. Second is to train your creativity. So let’s spread our love for the game by introducing it to our friends and enter the Budget Deck competition (pauper, peasant, whatever you call it).

Keep the spirit!

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